Worship comes first

The Divine Service is the center of our life together and the source of our service to one another and our outreach to the community. In the Divine Service, Christ Himself serves us with His gifts of Word and Sacrament. Our Lord said, “I am among you as One who serves” (Luke 22:27). His loving service to us creates our fellowship, inspires our outreach, and empowers us to serve one another in our marriages, our families and in our communities.

Worship services

In-person worship w/ communion at 8:00 & 10:30 am
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Family Life Ministry

In-person worship w/ communion at 8:00 & 10:30 am
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6:30pm on Wednesdays during Lent and Advent
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Our Calendar

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All event times are displayed based on America/Indiana/Indianapolis timezone.

There's a first time for everything

We know that coming to a church for the first time can be a bit of a courageous act so we would like to address common questions people might have before visiting Grace Lutheran Church for the first time.

What's a service like?

Here at Grace we enjoy traditional Word and Sacrament ministry that has been passed down through the ages. We follow the liturgy developed over 2000 years of common church life as we experience the back and forth of God's Word given to us and then spoken back to Him. We use the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) to direct our worship and are comfortable with settings 1,2,3 & 4.

What's the music like?

The Lutheran church has often been called the singing church and that is alive and well here. We sing the hymns of historic church authored by the great hymn writers of the past six centuries, including this one. Our voices are lifted with the resounding tones of a nine rank Wicks organ that has graced the sanctuary since 1966. We have seasonal choirs and an increasing number of congregational cantors to highlight special musical offerings.

How do people typically dress?

Like many places fashion has a wide range, we are no exception. Business casual might be a good middle ground where ties are not the standard but neither are they out of place. You are not too likely to see women in hats but they might have on a new " Sunday dress." However you choose to dress we are very happy to see you as our guests and look forward to greeting you with a smile.

Can I take communion?

We want everyone to commune with us, but we understand that not everyone is ready at this time. Those who share the Lord’s Table must also share the Lord’s teaching (Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 16:17). Therefore, if you are not yet a catechized member of a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregation, we invite you to first learn what we believe, teach and confess (from Luther’s Small Catechism) and make this confession of faith your own. We would love the opportunity to share our teachings with you so that you might share our confession of faith and share the Lord’s Table with us in the future.

Please contact Pastor Armstrong about instruction and any questions you may have. or text 812-314-1208.

For those not communing today: if you have not yet received instruction in the Small Catechism, we invite you to receive a blessing at the Communion rail. To receive a blessing, simply bow your head and cross your hands over your chest. If you do not want to receive a blessing at this time, there is no obligation to come to the Communion rail.

For those communing today: we offer Individual and Common Cup. If you prefer the Common Cup, simply let the Individual Cups pass by and extend your hand to receive the Common Cup.

What about my kids?

Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged in worship. Indeed, from ancient times they have been an important part of the worshipping community (Joel 2:15-16). If needed, however, there is a nursery available in the East Wing (near the main entrance). There is a regular children's Sunday school each week between the services, about 9:20 am. Sunday school is also in the East Wing. If you need directions please ask anyone, they would be more than happy see you to the right place.

Where do I park?

Parking is available in the main parking lot on the north side of the church on Simms Drive. If the lot is full you are free to use the parking area south of the church.

In-person service procedures

Welcome back to in-person worship in the community of Grace Lutheran Church. The objective of these procedures is to allow corporate worship with Holy Communion while abiding by Indiana state guidelines and ensuring the safety of our members and visitors to the best of our ability.

Worship Procedures

• Pick up individual bulletins upon entering the sanctuary
• Children to remain seated with family during the Children’s Messages
• Discard used bulletins in trash cans upon leaving the sanctuary
• Place donation envelopes in plates upon leaving the sanctuary

Holy Communion Procedures

• Approach the front of the altar steps as directed by the usher
• Receive the Host from the Pastor and individual cup from the elder
• Deposit used cups on the shelf behind the rail
• Return to seats as directed

Other Notes

• Bring personal activity bags for your children
• Members who feel that staying at home is better for them at this time are encouraged to worship via livestream at our website.
• Members who are sick, develop COVID-19 symptoms or believe they may have been exposed by close contact should stay at home.



Alpha Classes

ALPHA is a practical introduction to the Christian faith for seeking to learn more and a review of the basics of the faith for those who are already Christian. It is a series of 14 sessions on Tuesday evenings (6-8pm) consisting of a meal, a video or live talk and a small group discussion on topics such as, “Who is Jesus?” “How did we get the Bible?” and “Where is God in the midst of suffering?”


At Grace Jesus Christ and the Gospel are the focus of worship.
Grace is a welcoming congregation focused on member care and community outreach through programs such as Vacation Bible School, Japanese Ministry, Lego Club, and many more.
Grace places a high priority on music ministry, considering it not merely an accompaniment but a central element of worship.
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